Monday, November 25, 2013

Letter Hh& Number 8

Last week we had so much fun learning about letter Hh with Henrietta and Harvey Hippo.  The children enjoyed making a house with the letter Hh and drawing pictures of their own Heads.  Through the week we watched short videos about the first thanksgiving and the lives of the Pilgrims and Indians.  They loved using Q-tips to paint and  make Indian Corn.  Friday, we made place mats, Pilgrim hats, and applesauce for our Thanksgiving Feast.  We also celebrated Jude's 5th birthday and hat day.

This week we are in school only Monday and Tuesday.  On Monday, we will be joining together with all the classes to have a Thanksgiving feast. While together we will be singing songs, participating in a music and movement activity with Ms. Kathleen , listen to a story and have a wonderful feast.  Please remember we are closed from Wednesday through Friday. We hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Hat Day

This Friday, November 22nd, is Hat Day in celebration for completing letter Hh! Please send your child to school wearing their favorite hat. 

Letter Gg & Number 7

Last week we worked on letter Gg with Gus the Goat and made goat puppets.  Through the week we started discussing Thanksgiving and what it means to be thankful.  During the week the children had many opportunities to share with the class a few things they were thankful for.  We made shape turkey's and wrote on each feather one thing we are thankful for.  On Wednesday we learned about number seven and celebrated Cooper's 5th birthday!  On Friday, we shared our homework and show and tell.   We also read our Scholastic books about being thankful.  In this book we learned a new song and learned how to spell the word "thankful".

This week we will be learning about letter Hh, number eight, and all about the first thanksgiving. On Friday our class will be mixing many different ingredients together to make applesauce to bring to our school Thanksgiving Feast for Monday.  On Monday, next week all classes will be coming together to have a feast.  The four year old classes will be coming to the feast dressed as the Pilgrims and the three year olds dressed as the Indians.  Each class is making one thing to bring to the feast and all other food items will be provided by the teachers.  Please remember we are closed from Wednesday through Friday next week.

***This Friday (Nov. 22nd) is Hat Day for letter H! ***

Monday, November 4, 2013

Halloween Week

We had such a busy fun filled week!  We started our week by reading, " Go Away Big Green Monster!" and made our own green monsters.  We made leaf rubbings with leaves that we collected on our leaf hunt that you can see in our Art Gallery.  We read the book, " We're Off to see the Witches House" and we used our foot prints to make ghosts!  On Wednesday, we made cute pumpkins with our hand prints with our class moms and read, " The Night Before Halloween".  We played Pass the Pumpkin and a fun game of Pin the Heart on the Skeleton.  We enjoyed a special snack and enjoyed our Halloween parade outside.  On Halloween day we read, " The Teeny Tiny Ghost" and made ghost pops with Ms. Barbara.  We also made pumpkin magnets on Halloween!
On Friday we celebrated the first day of November  by  reading, " The Biggest Leaf Pile Ever" and used watercolor painted to make beautiful colorful leaves.  We also celebrated Elijah's 5th Birthday!
This week we are in school on Monday and Wednesday.  We are closed Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. Due to the short week we will not be starting a new letter or number and there will not be any homework.