We had so much silly fun during our letter Ss week. We learned about snakes, Spring, and even played with rainbow sand in our sensory table. On Friday, we had a Silly Sock Day and had a fun pizza lunch! I really enjoyed reading about the your surprises in all the homework journals too! They were very sweet and touched my heart greatly!
I want to thank all of the families who saw me off with the very many special gifts and flowers. Each one of your cards and letters really means a lot to me. I have been talking with Ms. Reham and I am happy to hear that all of the children are doing very well and making the transition easily. I also heard that the Teddy Bear day was a hit! She has been sharing pictures with me and I just love to see all of their smiling faces!
Through the week I have been putting together a new blog site for Ms. Reham. She has officially made her first blog post today! From here on out you can see pictures of your children and receive updates on her blog : http://msrehamprek.blogspot.com/
You should be receiving an email version of her blog post just as you have with mine in the past. If you do not receive one in the next few days please contact her and let her know. You can also add yourself directly to the mailing list by entering your email address on the right side of the blog where it says , Follow By Email.
Just a reminder, if you didn't already hand in your Teacher Questionnaire for Kindergarten to me previously, please send them in to Ms. Reham and she will give them to me to fill out. These forms get sent directly to your child's new school by me, so you will not be receiving these back.